Steam Depot Enterprises, LLC

Spence SP/P Pressure Safety Pilot

Spence SP/P Pressure Safety Pilot Spence Type SP/P Safety Pilot

On installations where a rise in the delivery pressure could cause damage or injury, the Spence Pressure Safety Pilot is recommended for use with all normally closed Pressure Regulators; i.e., all Spence Main Valves

If, for any reason , the Control Pilot should fail, the Safety Pilot will open up and allow the pressure to escape into the delivery side of the Main Valve faster than it can enter the lower Diaphragm Chamber through the Restriction. Usually the Safety Pilot is set from 5-10 PSI above the delivery pressure.

In a two-stage reduction, the Diaphragm of the Safety Pilot can be connected to the delivery pressure side of the Secondary Regulator. If for any reason, the Secondary Regulator should fail, the Safety Pilot will take over the control so that the primary Regulator will make a one stage reduction to the pressure for which the Safety Pilot is set.

    Available in:
    * Cast Bronze Body (Rated 300 PSIG @ 500°F.)
    * 31-65 PSI Range
    * Stainless Steel Trim
    * SKU: P-SP/P-B30
In stock
Price: $2,366.08
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